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Domestic violence


  •  Domestic Violence (Crimes and Punishment) Act, 2066 is a special law related to domestic violence in Nepal. Domestic violence is the torture, injustice, and torture inflicted on one person or others within the home, family, or by many together, in which the rights and rights of the victim are violated.
  •  It includes physical, mental, sexual, or financial torture.
  •  "Physical Torture" means beating, illegal detention, physical injury, a sprinkling of sharp or other similar substances, or causing pain to the body, face, or any other parts of the body with such substances. The act of doing or doing something should be remembered.
  •  "Mental Torture" means physical torture, frightening, threatening behavior, verbal abuse, lying, expulsion from home, discrimination based on ideological, religious, cultural, custom, tradition, appearance, color, physical structure, and Humiliation to anyone on the basis of having a disease, loss of mental balance, encouraging suicide or creating a situation for suicide should be considered and the term also refers to any other work that may cause mental or emotional injury.
  •  "Sexual Torture" means abuse of a sexual nature, humiliation, discouragement, injury to self-esteem, or harm to safe sexual health.
  •  "Economic Torture" means deprivation of access to or use of public or private property or employment or economic resources and means; and,
  •   This word refers to the hatred, or contempt of women for demanding dowry, pressuring them to bring dowry, or not bringing dowry.
  •  Domestic violence can happen to any person, educated, uneducated, rich, poor, accessible, remote, anywhere.
  •  Complaining body:- Any person who knows that domestic violence has happened, is happening, or is about to happen, can make a written or oral complaint to the police office or the National Commission for Women, or the local level. If the victim wants, he can directly go to court and file a complaint.
  •  The Domestic Violence (Offenses and Punishment) Act, of 2066, states that if a close relative inflicts any physical, mental, sexual, or financial torture, it is domestic violence. Therefore, if a husband commits such an offense against his wife or a wife against her husband, it will be domestic violence and if the husband is the victim, the wife can sue and if the victim is the wife, the husband can sue.
  •  After receiving the complaint, the office/organization that hears the complaint will withdraw the complaint within 24 hours and if it fails, it will immediately arrest and make a statement.
  •  Limitation:- In this regard, the complaint should be filed within ninety days from the date of the offense.
  •  Punishment:- A person who commits domestic violence may be fined from three thousand (3,000) rupees to twenty-five thousand (25,000) rupees or imprisoned for six months or both.
  •   A person who commits, aggravates, or comes intoxicated with domestic violence shall be sentenced to half of the sentence imposed on the main offender.
  •   A person who has committed domestic violence once can be punished twice if he repeatedly commits domestic violence.
  •   Also, if a person holding a public position commits the offense, he will be punished with an additional 10 percent.
  •  Compensation:- The compensation from the perpetrator to the victim is ordered by the court after looking at the serious nature of the crime and its effect. For example:- If the victim of domestic violence is mentally or physically disabled and needs to be treated in a hospital, the perpetrator has to bear all the expenses incurred during the treatment.